
检索结果 55836
原始关键字 阿尔茨海默病 治疗 
转化关键字 "Alzheimer disease" treatment 
"Alzheimer disease"[All Fields] AND ("therapeutics"[MeSH Terms] OR "therapeutics"[All Fields] OR "treatments"[All Fields] OR "therapy"[MeSH Subheading] OR "therapy"[All Fields] OR "treatment"[All Fields] OR "treatment s"[All Fields])


PubMed ID 36430432
发表日期 2022 Nov 12
作者 Passeri E  Elkhoury K  Morsink M  Broersen K  Linder M  Tamayol A  Malaplate C  Yen FT  Arab-Tehrany E 
文献标题 Alzheimer's Disease: Treatment Strategies and Their Limitations.
原始出处 International journal of molecular sciences
影响因子 5.6   期刊引文指标 0.71

PubMed ID 30689575
发表日期 2019
作者 Cummings JL  Tong G  Ballard C 
文献标题 Treatment Combinations for Alzheimer's Disease: Current and Future Pharmacotherapy Options.
原始出处 Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD
影响因子 4   期刊引文指标 0.85

PubMed ID 33515559
发表日期 2021 Jul 1
作者 Se Thoe E  Fauzi A  Tang YQ  Chamyuang S  Chia AYY 
文献标题 A review on advances of treatment modalities for Alzheimer's disease.
原始出处 Life sciences
影响因子 6.1   期刊引文指标 1.43

PubMed ID 22665688
发表日期 2012 Jun
作者 Chu LW 
文献标题 Alzheimer's disease: early diagnosis and treatment.
原始出处 Hong Kong medical journal = Xianggang yi xue za zhi
影响因子 1.256   期刊引文指标 0.25

PubMed ID 31127076
发表日期 2019 May 24
作者 Fonte C  Smania N  Pedrinolla A  Munari D  Gandolfi M  Picelli A  Varalta V  Benetti MV  Brugnera A  Federico A  Muti E  Tamburin S  Schena F  Venturelli M 
文献标题 Comparison between physical and cognitive treatment in patients with MCI and Alzheimer's disease.
原始出处 Aging

PubMed ID 33523002
发表日期 2021
作者 Guzman-Martinez L  Calfío C  Farias GA  Vilches C  Prieto R  Maccioni RB 
文献标题 New Frontiers in the Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease.
原始出处 Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD
影响因子 4   期刊引文指标 0.85

PubMed ID 34360973
发表日期 2021 Jul 30
作者 Yu TW  Lane HY  Lin CH 
文献标题 Novel Therapeutic Approaches for Alzheimer's Disease: An Updated Review.
原始出处 International journal of molecular sciences
影响因子 5.6   期刊引文指标 0.71

PubMed ID 35660003
发表日期 2022 Sep
作者 Wang ZB  Wang ZT  Sun Y  Tan L  Yu JT 
文献标题 The future of stem cell therapies of Alzheimer's disease.
原始出处 Ageing research reviews
影响因子 13.1   期刊引文指标 1.53

PubMed ID 35811518
发表日期 2022
作者 Toups K  Hathaway A  Gordon D  Chung H  Raji C  Boyd A  Hill BD  Hausman-Cohen S  Attarha M  Chwa WJ  Jarrett M  Bredesen DE 
文献标题 Precision Medicine Approach to Alzheimer's Disease: Successful Pilot Project.
原始出处 Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD
影响因子 4   期刊引文指标 0.85

PubMed ID 35034755
发表日期 2022
作者 Koch G  Spampinato D 
文献标题 Alzheimer disease and neuroplasticity.
原始出处 Handbook of clinical neurology

PubMed ID 36626477
发表日期 2022 Dec 9
作者 Liu Z  Guan R  Bu F  Pan L 
文献标题 Treatment of Alzheimer's disease by combination of acupuncture and Chinese medicine based on pathophysiological mechanism: A review.
原始出处 Medicine
影响因子 1.6   期刊引文指标 0.38

PubMed ID 33164935
发表日期 2020
作者 Pople CB  Meng Y  Li DZ  Bigioni L  Davidson B  Vecchio LM  Hamani C  Rabin JS  Lipsman N 
文献标题 Neuromodulation in the Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease: Current and Emerging Approaches.
原始出处 Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD
影响因子 4   期刊引文指标 0.85

PubMed ID 37084729
发表日期 2023 May 4
作者 Temple S 
文献标题 Advancing cell therapy for neurodegenerative diseases.
原始出处 Cell stem cell
影响因子 23.9   期刊引文指标 4.18

PubMed ID 30475773
发表日期 2019
作者 Watt AD  Jenkins NL  McColl G  Collins S  Desmond PM 
文献标题 Ethical Issues in the Treatment of Late-Stage Alzheimer's Disease.
原始出处 Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD
影响因子 4   期刊引文指标 0.85

PubMed ID 37516021
发表日期 2023 Sep
作者 Ma L  Jiang X  Huang Q  Chen W  Zhang H  Pei H  Cao Y  Wang H  Li H 
文献标题 Traditional Chinese medicine for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease: A focus on the microbiota-gut-brain axis.
原始出处 Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy = Biomedecine & pharmacotherapie
影响因子 7.419   期刊引文指标 1.6

PubMed ID 38685540
发表日期 2024 Jun
作者 Lee HJ  Choi HJ  Jeong YJ  Na YH  Hong JT  Han JM  Hoe HS  Lim KH 
文献标题 Developing theragnostics for Alzheimer's disease: Insights from cancer treatment.
原始出处 International journal of biological macromolecules
影响因子 8.2   期刊引文指标 1.44

PubMed ID 38018199
发表日期 2023
作者 Rajput S  Malviya R  Bahadur S  Puri D 
文献标题 Recent Updates on the Development of Therapeutics for the Targeted Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease.
原始出处 Current pharmaceutical design
影响因子 3.1   期刊引文指标 0.52

PubMed ID 24121964
发表日期 2014
作者 Chancellor B  Duncan A  Chatterjee A 
文献标题 Art therapy for Alzheimer's disease and other dementias.
原始出处 Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD
影响因子 4   期刊引文指标 0.85

PubMed ID 29272691
发表日期 2017 Oct
作者 Lehrer S  Rheinstein PH 
文献标题 Nasal steroids as a possible treatment for Alzheimer's disease.
原始出处 Discovery medicine
影响因子 1.4   期刊引文指标 0.54

PubMed ID 38144511
发表日期 2023
作者 Zhao Z  Liu Y  Ruan S  Hu Y 
文献标题 Current Anti-Amyloid-β Therapy for Alzheimer's Disease Treatment: From Clinical Research to Nanomedicine.
原始出处 International journal of nanomedicine
影响因子 8   期刊引文指标 1.31