
检索结果 76
原始关键字 红景天 疲劳 
转化关键字 "Rhodiola rosea" fatigue 
"Rhodiola rosea"[All Fields] AND ("fatiguability"[All Fields] OR "fatiguable"[All Fields] OR "fatigue"[MeSH Terms] OR "fatigue"[All Fields] OR "fatigued"[All Fields] OR "fatigues"[All Fields] OR "fatiguing"[All Fields] OR "fatigueability"[All Fields])


PubMed ID 22643043
发表日期 2012 May 29
作者 Ishaque S  Shamseer L  Bukutu C  Vohra S 
文献标题 Rhodiola rosea for physical and mental fatigue: a systematic review.
原始出处 BMC complementary and alternative medicine
影响因子 4.782   期刊引文指标 1.34

PubMed ID 35745023
发表日期 2022 Jun 17
作者 Ivanova Stojcheva E  Quintela JC 
文献标题 The Effectiveness of Rhodiola rosea L. Preparations in Alleviating Various Aspects of Life-Stress Symptoms and Stress-Induced Conditions-Encouraging Clinical Evidence.
原始出处 Molecules (Basel, Switzerland)
影响因子 4.927   期刊引文指标 0.64

PubMed ID 19016404
发表日期 2009 Feb
作者 Olsson EM  von Schéele B  Panossian AG 
文献标题 A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group study of the standardised extract shr-5 of the roots of Rhodiola rosea in the treatment of subjects with stress-related fatigue.
原始出处 Planta medica
影响因子 2.7   期刊引文指标 0.68

PubMed ID 20378318
发表日期 2010 Jun
作者 Panossian A  Wikman G  Sarris J 
文献标题 Rosenroot (Rhodiola rosea): traditional use, chemical composition, pharmacology and clinical efficacy.
原始出处 Phytomedicine : international journal of phytotherapy and phytopharmacology
影响因子 7.9   期刊引文指标 2.05

PubMed ID 37641937
发表日期 2024 Feb 14
作者 Tinsley GM  Jagim AR  Potter GDM  Garner D  Galpin AJ 
文献标题 Rhodiola rosea as an adaptogen to enhance exercise performance: a review of the literature.
原始出处 The British journal of nutrition
影响因子 3.6   期刊引文指标 0.8

PubMed ID 37569669
发表日期 2023 Jul 31
作者 Bernatoniene J  Jakstas V  Kopustinskiene DM 
文献标题 Phenolic Compounds of Rhodiola rosea L. as the Potential Alternative Therapy in the Treatment of Chronic Diseases.
原始出处 International journal of molecular sciences
影响因子 5.6   期刊引文指标 0.71

PubMed ID 34445021
发表日期 2021 Aug 20
作者 Todorova V  Ivanov K  Delattre C  Nalbantova V  Karcheva-Bahchevanska D  Ivanova S 
文献标题 Plant Adaptogens-History and Future Perspectives.
原始出处 Nutrients
影响因子 5.9   期刊引文指标 1.04

PubMed ID 34541370
发表日期 2021 Aug 26
作者 Lewis JE  Poles J  Shaw DP  Karhu E  Khan SA  Lyons AE  Sacco SB  McDaniel HR 
文献标题 The effects of twenty-one nutrients and phytonutrients on cognitive function: A narrative review.
原始出处 Journal of clinical and translational research

PubMed ID 38347175
发表日期 2024 Mar
作者 Mueller JK  Müller WE 
文献标题 Multi-target drugs for the treatment of cognitive impairment and fatigue in post-COVID syndrome: focus on Ginkgo biloba and Rhodiola rosea.
原始出处 Journal of neural transmission (Vienna, Austria : 1996)
影响因子 3.3   期刊引文指标 0.7

PubMed ID 31446039
发表日期 2019 Oct
作者 Luo C  Xu X  Wei X  Feng W  Huang H  Liu H  Xu R  Lin J  Han L  Zhang D 
文献标题 Natural medicines for the treatment of fatigue: Bioactive components, pharmacology, and mechanisms.
原始出处 Pharmacological research
影响因子 9.3   期刊引文指标 1.91

PubMed ID 25866748
发表日期 2015 Mar
作者 Kang DZ  Hong HD  Kim KI  Choi SY 
文献标题 Anti-Fatigue Effects of Fermented Rhodiola rosea Extract in Mice.
原始出处 Preventive nutrition and food science

PubMed ID 27059687
发表日期 2016 Apr
作者 Nabavi SF  Braidy N  Orhan IE  Badiee A  Daglia M  Nabavi SM 
文献标题 Rhodiola rosea L. and Alzheimer's Disease: From Farm to Pharmacy.
原始出处 Phytotherapy research : PTR
影响因子 6.388   期刊引文指标 1.23

PubMed ID 25268730
发表日期 2014
作者 Punja S  Shamseer L  Olson K  Vohra S 
文献标题 Rhodiola rosea for mental and physical fatigue in nursing students: a randomized controlled trial.
原始出处 PloS one
影响因子 3.7   期刊引文指标 0.91

PubMed ID 28219059
发表日期 2017
作者 Lekomtseva Y  Zhukova I  Wacker A 
文献标题 Rhodiola rosea in Subjects with Prolonged or Chronic Fatigue Symptoms: Results of an Open-Label Clinical Trial.
原始出处 Complementary medicine research
影响因子 1.8   期刊引文指标 0.39

PubMed ID 11410073
发表日期 2001 Jun
作者 Kelly GS 
文献标题 Rhodiola rosea: a possible plant adaptogen.
原始出处 Alternative medicine review : a journal of clinical therapeutic

PubMed ID 22039930
发表日期 2012 Mar
作者 Chan SW 
文献标题 Panax ginseng, Rhodiola rosea and Schisandra chinensis.
原始出处 International journal of food sciences and nutrition
影响因子 3.9   期刊引文指标 0.74

PubMed ID 39296497
发表日期 2024
作者 Wang J  Zhang G  Wang D  Yan Y  Yang Q 
文献标题 Effects of nano-Rhodiola rosea combined with treadmill exercise on anti-exercise fatigue in rats.
原始出处 Frontiers in nutrition
影响因子 5   期刊引文指标 0.9

PubMed ID 16948486
发表日期 2006 Jun
作者 Walker TB  Robergs RA 
文献标题 Does Rhodiola rosea possess ergogenic properties?
原始出处 International journal of sport nutrition and exercise metabolism
影响因子 2.5   期刊引文指标 0.87

PubMed ID 26776957
发表日期 2016 Jun 15
作者 Gerbarg PL  Brown RP 
文献标题 Pause menopause with Rhodiola rosea, a natural selective estrogen receptor modulator.
原始出处 Phytomedicine : international journal of phytotherapy and phytopharmacology
影响因子 7.9   期刊引文指标 2.05

PubMed ID 19468971
发表日期 2009 Sep
作者 Blomkvist J  Taube A  Larhammar D 
文献标题 Perspective on Roseroot (Rhodiola rosea) studies.
原始出处 Planta medica
影响因子 2.7   期刊引文指标 0.68